One-on-one sessions 

The Relationship Intelligence Center offers one-on-one sessions to promote relational growth on a deeply personal basis. This is accomplished by viewing yourself through a relational lens and exploring your life lessons, deep truths, critical vulnerabilities, and most important needs—those rarely completely satisfied but forever craved. You will gain a depth of understanding never imagined.

Relationship intelligence is about understanding others and yourself. It allows you to turn conflict into connection, increasing your chances of being understood and improving your odds of receiving the love and respect you need, want, desire, and deserve. Sounds amazing, right?

Becoming relationally intelligent steps you out of your perception and into perspective. No longer seeing things the way you always have, you can understand things you never knew possible.

The language of Relationship Intelligence provides a foundation upon which people’s “unsolvable” problems become manageable. The process invites contemplation concerning the extent to which your deep longings are gratified. The following list identifies areas of thoughtful reflection. Ask yourself, what do you…

Need + Want + Desire + Deserve

Every relationship is only as strong as its foundation, which begins by examining the trust between you and influential people in your life, including your relationship with your sense of self. To enjoy the experience of people “getting you,” telling the truth is essential. Getting to the “deep truth” is ultimately what matters most. Next, once you’ve shared your discovered truth with yourself, who is the person in your life with whom you could share this profound truth, and who would extend assurances to keep your confidence? This is where vulnerability becomes highly relevant. At the Relationship Intelligence Clinic, we believe that vulnerability is your superpower. Moreover, the prize for improving your relationship intelligence hinges on knowing how to use vulnerability in a mutually beneficial way. The ultimate reward for becoming relationally intelligent is closeness and enhanced authenticity. When combined, the experience is pure, refreshing, and uplifting. You will be reminded how great it is to be you and only you.

We treat the whole person, not the problem. 

Together, we get to the psychological core to foster growth and diminish the intensity of problems while making them more manageable. As a result, you achieve a greater sense of well-being and can again imagine possibilities, embrace opportunities, and respond to life’s challenges.

Your new life stance tells the world, “Bring it on; I’m ready!”

Savvy - Clever and Steady Thoughtfulness Wins the Race

In relational psychology, it’s been said that 70% of life’s problems are unsolvable. Yes, you read that correctly. The lion’s share of challenges confronting us doesn’t go away and keeps repeating. They may slip under the covers masquerading as resolutions, agreements, and cognitive slight of hands, such as the expressions, “Let’s agree to disagree” or “Whatever!”

Embracing the unsolvability and repeatability of your trials and tribulations is the first step in understanding the paradigm shift contained within Relationship Intelligence. If problems are unsolvable, it’s time to relax your grip on the FIX, SOLVE, and REPAIR mentality. In its place is a new mindset focusing on navigating challenges. While being smart is handy, dancing with life’s hardships demands learning to be savvy.

This uncommon but inspiring word, “savvy,” guides you to stay slightly ahead of what’s happening while standing slightly back from the situation. Look at the big picture instead of getting tangled up in the details. Replace problem-solving with making quality connections. Shift your focus from being rational to relational. Doing so requires you to practice self-control and emotional regulation and remember it’s about getting it right, not being right.

The savvy attitude is captured poignantly in the following expression by Paul Brown.

“When you win, say nothing. When you lose, say less.”

The following r.IQ summary thoughts are shared.

  • We believe that we and our clients are partners engaged in a transformative process. That transformation happens within a trustworthy, respectful, truth-finding, non-judgmental, and committed relationship.

  • We respect that our clients are individuals with unique and highly personalized experiences and needs who deservingly deserve our complete attention and understanding.

  • We value our clients' dignity and courage in determining their goals and objectives and how they will be achieved.

  • We believe in our clients’ ability and commitment to develop capacity and opportunity for positive and enduring change.

  • When engaged in court-related matters, we are fair and unbiased, and we act with empathy, integrity, and responsibility to protect and promote our clients’ best interests.